OnePlus had launched OnePlus 6T long time back, OnePlus usually launches the T variants of its smartphones with an slightly upgraded specifications over their Original variants like OnePlus 3 and 3T, OnePlus 5 and 5T. OnePlus used to launch the T variant almost near the same price range as that of the original variant but this time there's price difference of almost 3k which is alot considering that OnePlus 6T is not a major upgrade over the OnePlus6. It comes with Glass and metal design. The design is exactly similar to that of OnePlus6 except of fingerprint scanner and 3.5mm headphone jack. Opening up the box you will see the smartphone itself, Dash Charging adapter, USB Type C cable, USB Type C to 3.5mm headphone dongle, Sim ejector pin, TPU case, Quick start guide, Warranty card, Hand crafted letter from Carl Pei and paper leaflets. The hand crafted letter gives a personal touch. The Screen protector comes preapplied on the phone. It comes with Qualcomm Sna...
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